2024 Predictions, 2022 World Predictions, Future Predictions

2024 Predictions, 2022 World Predictions, Future Predictions, Predictions for the world 2022, Global Predictions, Covid Predictions 2022, Pandemic 2022, World Virus, Royal Family Predictions, Princess Kate, Medium Predictions 2022, Prophecies for 2022, Medium Prophecies for 2022, Nostradamus, AI, Stock Market, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, China, North Korea, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Kim Jong Un, End of Days, Revelation, Important Timeframes in 2022, Royal Family, The Queen, Harry and Meghan, Kendall Jenner, Psychic Lisa Paron.

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Please Like and Subscribe Watch my Video’s. Check out my predictions for the future as well as last year, I was on point. WATCH NOW PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE

Eclipse 2024 and Your Sign

Princess Kate Psychic Astrology Health Reading 2024

Predictions for 2024

Predictions Donald Trump Arrest and FUTURE

Predictions 2023

Johnny Depp Amber Heard 2022

Kendall Jenner Predictions 2022 to 2028

2022 World Predictions

World War 3 & Putin Predictions

Harry and Meghan 2022

Predictions for Lady Diana

Prince Andrew 2022-2027

Will and Kate 2022

Eclipse Effects Star Signs 2022


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2022 Predictions, 2022 World Predictions, future predictions, World War 3, Putin Predictions, Covid, pandemic 2022, World Virus, the queen, Harry and Meghan, Predictions for the world 2022, Global Predictions, Medium Predictions 2022, Prophecies for 2022, Medium Prophecies for 2022, Nostradamus, AI, Stock Market, Pandemic 2022, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, China, North Korea, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Kim Jong Un, End of Days, Revelation, Important Timeframes in 2022, Psychic Lisa Paron

Predictions for world 2022. Warning view at your own risk. I predict the year 2022 will start with a bang and keep you on the edge of your seat all year long. For real, this is going to be a bumpy year with surprises, restrictions, unexpected events, chaos, shocks and upheaval. For those people who embrace change it will be a most exciting year. For people who are fixed in their ways, they may have a challenging year as they adjust to the current ever changing new normal. As an Astrologer and Psychic, I do not make these predictions lightly and can understand the reason for the cryptic messages Nostradamus made in his quatrains centuries ago.

I do not want to frighten you but I am sure to give your spine a tingle with my predictions for 2022. I have made many accurate predictions since 2014 that have come true and a few I missed. I am only human and do not claim to be perfect but I am sure most of my predictions will come to light in 2022 or perhaps a little later in the future, but they will come to pass.

Brace yourself for a shock and continue only if you dare. If you are easily triggered you may not want to know my predictions. 2020 and 2021 were very difficult years with many people suffering through Covid fatigue, sickness, isolation, separation and death. As we enter 2022 it may seem like winter is coming for us all yet again and I am sorry to say we still have to face our own long night to see through the confusion before the fog lifts. Some people fear the end of days are near, that we may enter into World War 3 or the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are fulfilling the prophecies in the book of Revelation in the Bible. I do not believe we are there quite yet but one things for sure, 2022 will be a wild ride for good and evil.

So many bizarre twists and turns await in 2022 that by the end you will think you have been living in some wild Hollywood blockbuster because real life can’t possibly be this crazy or can it? I predict in 2022 that the world will have a large focus on the environment and the condition of the earth. There will be an increase in severe storms throughout the world involving cold, wet weather with heavy rain, floods, snow storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.  

Advances in Technology, Science and Space Exploration

More 2022 Predictions. I predict great advancements bringing new innovative technology, media, interesting new gadgets. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be used in more useful ways becoming more and more human so to speak.  Robots will become a little more common place possibly starting to see products come on the market by Christmas time 2022 that are mini robots for home entertainment or to perform some task.

Science will make several important medical discoveries that will help mankind and possibly cure several diseases that have been difficult to combat. There will also be greater advancement and focus on space exploration, space travel as well as exploring the world’s oceans. There is something really big down there lurking at the bottom of the sea that an underwater camera, sonar or a deep sea exploration vehicle will capture on film.

Bizarre events and outlandish acts

I predict the world will see an increase in extreme or outlandish behavior and strange news stories much more than ever before. Some people will meet with misadventure when they suddenly act desperate, thirsty or totally out of character. I see unusual extremes of behavior so people can get there fifteen minutes of fame and go viral. A video will go viral about an act of extreme bravery as well as another video about an outrageous dare devil stunt that goes terribly wrong. The news and media will have a steady stream of strange, weird and unbelievable news. The date of April 18, 2022 could be significant for this prediction a few days before and after but peaking on the 18th.

People who have a lot of earth energy about them may shock everyone around them by acting erratic like suddenly quitting their job or relationship as well as friends. The stress of the constant fear and confinement will be especially rough on people who have addictive personalities, addictions or are prone to severe depression and or suicidal thoughts. If you know someone who has been struggling with addictions like drugs or alcohol or someone who has been struggling with depression, do a check up on them to see they are alright as they may be especially vulnerable and possibly contemplating something drastic like suicide around February 4th, April 18th, May 6 and August 1st. Those dates could be especially difficult for some people and you can help.

Stock Exchange and World Markets

The Stock Market will be very unstable with extreme highs and lows like a roller coaster. Money and finances will likely be tight for most people in 2022. Hang on to your money, there are better years to invest but this is not a good year. If you are someone who likes to gamble and take a risk then invest at your own risk. It is possible gold will fluctuate wildly as well as other precious metals. Savvy investors can take advantage of stocks in technology, communication and space related companies.

The United States of America will enter into a period of transition. I see change, struggle and conflict that starts in 2022 and continues for many years to come. There will be changes started to revise gun laws and revisions to the rights of US citizens that some may not be ready for but are necessary tweaks that must be made to advance into the 21st century. I see severe and extreme weather systems bringing wet, frigid conditions, plenty of rain or snow as well as the possibility of an increase in earthquakes, landslides as well as tornadoes and hurricanes.

The United states may also have conflict, difficult relations with another country that escalates into a violent event, battle or even a war. There may be a major tragedy or event such as a terrorist attack or a series of incidents that unfortunately will result in a high volume of deaths and injuries. It’s quite possible there will be a large explosion associated with one of these incidents. The United states will have strained relations with the countries of China, North Korea and possibly Iran. It could be a turbulent and unsettling time in the United states in 2022 where people are divided yet again and be struggling with high numbers of the latest variant of the coronavirus. There will be more protests in the US concerning restrictions which will increase with the virus, people being fixed in their ways and be averse to change as well as due to the right of woman to obtain an abortion if they wish. Around the dates of March 3, April 18 and August 1 could be violent.

Joe Biden

I also see political uncertainty and problems for the United States President Joe Biden. He may have problems with his health and memory that may be of concern. Joe Biden has an abundance of challenging stars coming his way in 2022 that may bring a serious matter to his health or personal safety. He may have his security threatened or even have someone try to harm him through an assassination attempt. I do not believe Mr. Biden will finish his term as POTUS and may not be in charge by the end of 2022.

It is quite possible Kamala Harris will become the US President and be sworn in sometime in 2022 or early 2023. Kamala may be the first woman to become President of the United States. The USA should prepare themselves for a major event and or big changes still to come in 2024. These changes may not be easy for some; however, they are a required process that will help the US evolve, revamp and restructure better suited for the 21st century.

Covid 19, Variants and the Vaccine

I see that the Coronavirus and its variants like Delta and Omicron will continue to make the rounds on the population of the earth and will have more mutations in 2022. Unfortunately, the pandemic is not over yet and will go on for a while before it is finally over. I know it has been a rough road for some people and fear is constantly spewed on the news but you must use your common sense, be brave and do your best to be strong. It won’t last forever. It is likely that around February 23 or beginning of March of 2022 will see a spike of infections in both vaccinated and unvaccinated people with more death not only from the virus itself but also from complications from the jab.

It has offered a layer of protection for sure and been a blessing to many people but it is not beneficial to all people especially if they already have a sensitive body. The vaccine may actually prove to have a shorter term protection that was originally believed and there may be more evidence of unexpected side effects. The pandemic will continue to travel in waves constantly changing with surges of cases and times when you think it is safe to go back in the water and get back to normal. (A little reference to the movie Jaws, lol). Timeframes around April 4 and July 21st may also be rather bad.

It will actually be several more years before life is close to anything you remember as normal I am afraid. So be kind to each other, we are all in this state of affairs. It is a time that requires faith and embracing the light as dark forces are around. The night is dark and full of terrors may ring true too close to home for some so stay positive.


It has been a rough couple of years for both Canada and our neighbor the USA for sure. Unfortunately, I see a troubling and uncertain year for the Great White North in 2022 with more division of its  people.  I feel there will be more graves of Residential School victims discovered as well as more tragic events coming in 2022 for Canada. It is possible there will be a series of major storms throughout the winter of 2022 bringing very cold, wet weather with plenty of ice, rain and snow, oh my. There also may be a tragic event either by a major catastrophe of nature involving earth, stability and ground like a landslide, earthquake or mine collapse or explosion. Around the dates of March 3, April 18 and August 1 could be violent or bring an explosion.

It is also possible Canada will have a substantial number of murders, a mass shooting, increase in violence or even a terrorist threat or attack. This could happen more than once starting December 2021 throughout 2022. It is also possible Canada will have troubled relations with China escalate or become even more strained during the year causing more restrictions, tariffs and unrest. Canadian athletes competing in the Beijing Olympics may be surprised that they have less perks and privileges than athletes from other countries. They may feel they are being treated different because Canadian Diplomats refused to attend the Olympic games.

Justin Trudeau

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faces another difficult year in 2022 where he will meet with fierce and aggressive opposition from protests and the Canadian citizens growing anger with his poor management of the country and the pandemic. Canada as well as other common wealth countries have endured an exorbitant amount of restrictions, confinement and restrictions compared to other countries and even “nice Canadians” will be fed up. I see Justin may be most aggressive, worked up, very excitable as he is focused on his political and personal agenda and could be seen as more aggressive than his usual saccharin smile and squinty eyes.  Come on you know it’s true, lol.

It’s possible Justin will be involved in yet another scandal, suffer an injury, be involved in an accident, have to do big time damage control for a scandal, negative press or is confronted with violence. He also could have difficulty involving hidden money and or mismanagement of finances as well as have trouble with woman in general but especially trouble with his wife Sophie Trudeau. A skeleton may pop out of Justin’s closet that is very damaging to his reputation.

The time frames of around March 3rd, the first two weeks of May and around August 1st 2022 could be most challenging for Justin Trudeau indeed. The week leading up to the dates mentioned as well as the week after are highlighted for this window of possible conflict or misfortune. It’s also possible he will have yet another fall from grace by his actions or his lack of action. His silence will not be seen as golden.

United Kingdom

I predict The United Kingdom is in store for another wonky year where people will have Restrictions, rules and regulations. It is not going to be an easy year for peoples mental health as well as their physical health. It’s like there is a veil of illusion around the healthcare system which intertwines with money. I see something like there’s a big scandal in the United Kingdom because of hidden money or management of funds. Like it will be revealed that someone prominent has been profiting financially from a pharmaceutical company or from something to do with the vaccine. Someone will be very sorry of course that they got caught. It could also be a rough year for people losing their minds and acting out in a desperate manner.

There may be a terrorist attack or some tragic incident that happens in the UK this year involving many people possibly inciting anger in many people. There also will be an act of chivalry or extreme bravery that will get the attention of the world. I also feel there are changes coming to the royal family where Prince Charles will take the lead. I will be doing a special article and video about the royal family coming soon.


I see some kind of major event happening in Australia in 2022 that may even present itself late in 2021. I feel this is something like a massive protest that turns bad and people meet with misfortune. it may also be a mass shooting or some tragic incident involving the earth like then trapped in a mine. There may be more than one incident in 2022 one which could involve a terrorist attack. Australia will also suffer severe restrictions associated with the pandemic and may experience extremes with their weather. It could be a bit of a struggle for the people down under but they are survivors and they will get through it whatever life throws at them.


China will do their best to show the world a beautiful Olympic Games in Beijing and be featured prominently on the news not only for the competition but also for protests and people speaking out against the Chinese government. they will have strained relations with the United States and Canada and may be involved in some kind of conflict or boycott of their products. Financially, China will have a more prosperous year possibly becoming the world’s leader with some particular commodity or product. They will continue to make leaps and bounds with space exploration. They may even capture something interesting on their satellite to communicate with alien life and extraterrestrials on other planets.

North Korea

As the year begins North Korea may have some kind of special celebration around New Year’s Eve where they are displaying new technology, weapons or something that has to do with space travel. Then I see something happening in January around the middle of the month that the world does not support. By the end of January 2022, North Korea will be featured in the news and it’s possible that they may have a change in their government sometime over the year. I feel it’s also possible that North Korea could be quite problematic for the United states and their relationship will not be so great this year.

Kim Jong Un

The stars are not particularly favorable for North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un and it’s quite possible he will have some kind of health issue, accident or someone tries to remove him from power, possibly with force. There may be an assassination attempt against Kim Jong Un.

I wish I had better news to tell you and someday I will but for now, stay strong, be kind to each other and do what makes you happy because life is too short for all this fussing and fighting my friends. I hope you liked this article with my 2022 Predictions. Blessings, love and light.



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